Erick Kway
Project Mnager
Experience :7 Years
Responsibility :Managing Project
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My name is Erick Kway and I am a Graphic Designer and Web Developer, currently living in Dar es Salaam, Kinondoni. I have a Bachelor of information Technology from Ardhi University, and my primary focus and inspiration for my studies is Graphic Designer and Web Developer. I am both driven and self-motivated, and I am constantly experimenting with new technologies and techniques. I am very passionate about Graphic Designer and Web Development, and strive to better myself as a Designer, and the development community as a whole.
Languages List
I have been studying web development since 2018 and I develop in both Html and PHP, though I primarily use Html. I am experienced in both front and back-end development, and I am proficient in HTML/HTML5, Bootsrap, Laravel, CSS/CSS3, LESS, SASS, XML, JavaScript, jQuery, AJAX, and SQL/MySQL/PostgreSQL, to name a few. I am also proficient in many non-web-based languages, including but not limited to Java..
Professional Skills
I am a Web and Software Developer, and have been developing enterprise solutions using Laravel since 2020. I have worked on over 2 different Company, I have worked with TAMOBA security Force in which i intergrated different solutions and one of them is Tamoba Monitoring Application.
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